
Brief Introduction

Publication Data : 2011/8/30
Last updated : 2023/12/1
Count Views : 13154
The business statistics of the Ministry of Justice are managed by the Department of Statistics and its subordinate statistical units, including mainly four categories:
  • 1. Prosecutorial Statistics:
    The process and outcome statistics of the investigation, execution of criminal cases by the prosecutors offices for all levels.
  • 2. Corrective statistics:
    The entrance, discharge and the feature statistics of the prisoners, including parole withdrawals.
  • 3. Judicial Protection Statistics:
    The statistics about adult probation businesses, alteration by social service, victim compensation and regenerators' job aftercare.
  • 4. Administrative Enforcement Statistics:
    The statistics for the enforcement of overdue payment obligations according to Public Law by each dedicated local Administrative Enforcement Agency institutions.
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